Customs Agency
TERMINUS focuses primarily on services related to customs clearance in all procedures, including simplified procedures, as well as transshipment, logistics, freight forwarding, and other services supporting international freight transport.
Customs Agency Terminus is not just customs clearances. We also handle mediation in intra-community trade. Below, you can review most of our services. If you have any questions, please call or write to us.

declarations in all procedures
Declarations in all customs procedures under the Community Customs Code
clearance in simplified procedures
Release for free circulation of shipments intended for recipients from the European Union under tax suspension procedures

Pay attention to the special marking of places where TIR-EPD declarations can be made in accordance with the applicable ZMPD guidelines and guaranteed by TERMINUS for quality and efficiency.
On 06/04/2017, as the first customs agency in the country, we signed an agreement with the Association of International Road Carriers in Poland (ZMPD) regarding cooperation in promoting the TIR-EPD application for sending advance electronic TIR carnet declarations to EU customs authorities.
For ZMPD, as an association representing road carriers, this is the realization of its statutory goals in representing the interests and protecting road carriers (informing about applicable regulations, customs, practices, and the situation in international transport). For us, this event is yet another confirmation of the quality and reliability of the services and solutions we offer and an expansion of opportunities in effective, modern, and compliant with European standards customer service.
On behalf of ZMPD, the agreement was signed by President of the Board Jan Buczek, and on behalf of TERMINUS, by co-owner Ewelina Grygatowicz-Szumowska.
Cross borders only with us!
We are the cure for all CUSTOMS.